Tuesday, April 14, 2009

from sin city

five rounds for time

155# d-lift x 12

155# hang clean x 9

155# push jerk x 6


  1. 10:something I think.

    There is a difference between doing crossfit and doing crossfit just as there is a difference between doing taekwondongjo and mma. Both are martial arts but vary in their efficacy. Doing crossfit on your own or under the guise of the image crossfit represents is different than going to a hardcore affiliate and getting your nuts kicked in. Crossfit has reached critical mass and mediocrity has possibly slithered through the doors and began the process of dilution. A few affiliates have broken out as independent, gritty, dark, sinister, and made names for themselves as uncomfortable forebearers of pain. In so doing, I'm willing to bet that they are churning out better athletes than the affiliate who hand out baby bottles to the wallowers of self-pity. The bottom line is that the most effective institutions will always be found in the weeds and off the beaten path. Evolving into an assembly line may increase productivity but there is a commensurate decrease in quality.
    I visited sincity crossfit tonight. There is nothing like walking into a new gym in a new city full of new people and feeling at home.
    Yea diversity may be good for diversity's sake but there is strength in homogeneity. The harder I look, the more I find.

  2. Mike
    Probably should have scaled this one. Lot of problems with the hang cleans as far as form; I found if I came all the way from the floor, I had a lot better form, able to keep my weight back on my heels more. I grinded this one out but it was not pretty, really focused on intensity though, tried not to let go of the bar, and the undulating movements that I was doing, tried to do them as hard and fast as possible.

  3. USE THE HOOK GRIP! It will change your hang clean life. B-bell complexes should be done with strategy and deliberation. You can't sustain ninety miles per hour and flawless execution. You should endeavor for complete sets. It is too much of a mental and physical strain to drop the bar unexpectedly and then resume. Pick a number and then rest. Try this next time. For example, do the first triplet straight through and get it out of the way. Then rest. On the second do the first two exercises, drop the bar, and then rest. Knock out the final exercise and then rest. On the third you could do 11 deadlifts, rest, then do your 12th and now try to finish off the cleans and drop the bar. If you have to break sets do it in the middle. Play with this formula for a more systematic approach. Your times will be faster.
