Tuesday, April 7, 2009

800 mtr run
21 k-bell swings (24 kg)
12 pull ups
2 rnds for time
rest 3 min
400 mtr run
12 k-bell swings
6 pull ups
4 rnds with 3 min rest in between rnds


  1. 800 mtr run
    21 k-bell swings (24 kg)
    12 pull ups
    2 rnds for time 10::25

    400 mtr run
    12 k-bell swings
    6 pull ups 2::17

  2. Nice job, good consistency. I was out training all day in the bitter cold so I'm going to do it tomorrow. Where is your vid?

  3. It is on you tube, under "crossfit the begining" spelled just like that, davyjoneslckr42, think it is the second vid down on the page. Sorry for being rude John told me that you were trying to get that job in D.C. How is it going? Same stuff you did as a tech.

  4. My distances were way off:
    But I realized it and consequently pushed harder. Again, it isn't the distance but what you do with it. You can put me in a box and I'll come out in better shape.

    I'm critiquing your vid as I watch it. Good editing so far. Ten degrees more towards the front and closer would be a better angle.
    I see what you mean about intensity. You were smooth but when it comes to the straightforward movement of the deadlift we want to behave like a piston at max speed. I think you could've done a few more reps. The bar should've been peeling from your hand before letting go. Where did you go when you walked by the camera? At the top of your pull up you need to pull your legs back in order to scoop your legs and bounce off the bottom. You should be able to shave a few seconds off your pull ups. Good job by the way on the pull ups. I couldn't manage ten. Deadlift form was good. The bar stayed in the vertical plane throughout each set. Lockout was good too. It just ended. Did you run out of battery power? Where are you training? We'll revisit this wod in month. If it's the last thing I do I'm going straight to fifty.
    Yea, I've been up here since October. It's going well. I miss cfjax. I plan on getting down there in May. If you ever make it up this way we'll hit it hard. Tomorrow's going to be good. I might have to do it Friday.
