Wednesday, March 4, 2009

preemptive strike

clean and jerk 5000# for time
use any combination of weight, sets, or reps
post time and strategy

watch out for cfjax, hypoxia, agoge, and junction
they will be on the warpath tomorrow


  1. 135# x 37.5 = 7:45
    The bottom line is that whether you use a 25# ball, 45# bar, or 135# the movement/stimulus and ROM is what make this such a daunting and taxing task. Remember that you can squat clean more than you can jerk so your strategy should be determined by what you can comfortably jerk for reps. The squat clean is just plain hard. Only the deepest sense of resolve will get you through that. Also, be cognizant of the quality of your jerks! This is great. Who is issuing the challenge next week?

  2. cf daytona is also taking up the gauntlet today.

  3. As you guys should be included. Glad to have you. We'll take turns on the weekly challenges.

  4. rh 135# x 37.5 = 7:20 10,10,8,4,3.5 @ 1030hrs & 95# x 53= 9:31 10,10,10,5,5,5,5,3@ 1730hrs

    mk 105# x 48= 7:00 @ 1030hrs & 65# x 77= 8:56 @ 1700hrs

  5. Good challenge! I was not at all conscious about my rep breakdown. I need to work on that.

  6. cfjax top performances:

    russ 100# x 50 = 6:34
    turbo j 100# x 50 = 7:23
    dr j 115# x 44 = 7:15

    slap yo momma fun

  7. Impressive times/weights. I think they could be even faster if we all went at once!!!! There is a reason records are broken during competition.

  8. agreed...i think we'd see several sub 6:00
