Friday, February 13, 2009


1000 mtr row
50 26kg one arm r k-bell swings or snatch
1000 mtr row
50 65# hang power cleans
1000 mtr row
50 ghd sit ups
1000 mtr row
50 65# push press
1000 mtr row
50 jumping pull ups
1000 mtr row
50 dbl unders
1000 mtr row
50 20# wall ball shots
1000 mtr row
50 (holding)20# d-bells tire step ups
1000 mtr row
50 24 kg k-bell sdlhps
1000 mtr row
50 45# bar oh squats


  1. Solista, what were each of your row times. what trend did you see arise as you got deeper and deeper into it? Curious.

    Rob CF Daytona

  2. Very good question. Good to hear from you by the way! This was, for all intents and purposes, a row workout. My times ranged from 3:30 to 3:55. My goal was to keep them under 4:00. I found that, although it was a row workout (more mentally than anything) I was able to zone out and keep more consistency by using slower more powerful pulls. It may be that I could've worked harder. I'm not sure. The bottom line though, is that after this workout I am a better rower.
    Take care and stay in touch!!! It's good to see you guys on the site.

  3. I've found that working smart on the rower--slower, stronger, power based drives and pulls--generates stronger numbers and times, as opposed to just working "hard," while still achieving the desired effect on the body. We just got our three rowers last month and i have become obsessed with them, and trying to refine my row as much as i can. We had a blast being annihilated by chris and megan, and loved being able to share cf jax with two of our members. i'll be in touch, believe me. stay strong.
