Sunday, October 10, 2010


3 baseball pull ups (strict)
6 ring dips
9 rope slams
max rnds in 5 min
rest 3 min
6 towel pull ups (strict)
9 rope slams
max rnds in 5 min


  1. Iron curtain

    Just see how it lures them, the many -too- many! How it devours them, and chews them, and rechews them! I call it the state where everyone, good & bad is a poison drinker: the state where everyone good & bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called - life. See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another and so scuffle into the mud and abyss. They all strive towards the throne.

    Of the new idol

  2. 9
    5+6 pull ups
    14 rnd total
    Purpose: To mitigate soreness and general malaise while detoxifying the mind and body of unauthorized viruses. Lighter loads or skill-laden tasking should be followed by rest whereas substantial activity should be followed by light days. Effective rest days require pre-rest days; otherwise, the mind and body take longer to recover from the shock of inactivity. Armageddon style training demands too much energy from the mind and body to simply stop dead in pursuit and call off the raid as a false alarm. It has to be coaxed in and out of mode; hence, proper deployment and redeployment are critical stages in the metamorphosis.
