Tuesday, May 25, 2010


two person relay competition
4.5 encumbered miles 
400  weighted push ups
for time

3/4 mile alternating person intervals
1.5 miles with 20# vest and tire 
1.5 miles with 20# vest
1.5 mile slick
20 rep alternating intervals with 20# vest

1 comment:

  1. 50:06
    This is a modification of the original plan, a 3 mile-400 meter relay on a track. Unfortunately, the Army occupied the track for a stroll, literally.
    The two person, randomly chosen, team concept makes the aforementioned time inconsequential. This evolution was designed for a variety of strengths and weakness so as to elucidate the nature of the differences between the team members. Every relationship, personal and professional, is riddled with differences. Learning how to cooperate and succeed with people who aren't your first choice is an invaluable skill that makes life easier to manage. Finding complimentary strengths and weaknesses is fundamental.
    As suspected, the initial leg with both forms of resistance was a rude awakening. Pacing with the tire is vastly different than racing with the tire. Getting back into the comfort zone can only be accomplished by coming to a stop and getting passed. Shedding each layer of resistance felt lighter and faster ending in a climax of velocity.
    The push ups were necessary as a they are a staple in military fitness. Train the way you fight and fight the way you train.
