Saturday, April 24, 2010


deadlift 1rm

1 comment:

  1. turbo. 450# (pr)

    With only a 10-minute window to extract a max effort, the crane was bottle fed with nitrous oxide. Number of attempts and rest restricted by time, the boom moved 405#, 425#, finally testing cable strength at 450#. The load moved without hesitation or hitch. Usually, breaking a substantial static load from the deck is my nemesis. Recognizing this deficit, I’ve avoided 1RM d-lifts, concentrating on cultivating improved posterior strength, erecting a platform prepared for oversized cargo. Varying my setup to achieve line tension appears to have enhanced acclimation and increased pulling power. I’ve started lowering my hips and slowly rising, fully loading the hamstrings, until I reach position to initiate the lift. A single aspect or combination of specific training, setup, or celestial alignment may be accountable for my success. In any rank, order, or amalgamation, I’ll take it.
