Sunday, March 21, 2010


245# squat clean x 1 EMOM 15 min
245# bench press x 1 EMOM 10 min

1 comment:

  1. The EMOM is one of the best analytical tools for identifying subtle nuances or enormous deficiencies that influence the success or failure of the movement. If the software is programmed successfully then the movement should be engineered with immunity from fatigue and anticipated breaches in strength. The confluence of different forces directly determine the longevity of the movement. The closer the form is to perfection the longer one can last; whereas, small fissures can quickly grow to enormous crevices causing an exponential deterioration of form. We don't want to reinforce bad habits. This is why the EMOM requires such a finesse approach so as to both develop strength and power but not at the risk of programming bad habits and filling the software with bugs. In the course of this EMOM the weight actually didn't get lighter as perceived but the form became more efficient. There were a few times when I considered summoning friends for tea while loitering in the squat position but the lack of additional appendages prohibited said jolly times. This session was a standard systems check in order to confirm the need for a software upgrades. Coming soon.
