Saturday, March 6, 2010


185# back squat
185# power clean

starting at one, ascending reps (i.e. 1 then 2, 3...) of each movement; max reps in 10 min.


  1. Turbo Just F:::.;;! Excellent!

  2. turbo. rx. 8 rnds. or 72 total reps

    No intermittent respite available here. Clearly designed as ten-minute amalgamation of ponderous back squats and power cleans to inventory the fortitude repository. Reciprocal nature of the movements did nothing but encumber the bipedal support system. Initially, turnaround is rapid, quickly giving way increased time under or over the bar. The unrelenting backhoe bulldozing the hamstrings made each cycle of squats a mental evaluation. A simple assessment, (a) true or (b) false: I will not re-rack the weight. Options: (a): Stand and take pleasure in the pain as it radiates through the lower extremities; (b): Succumb to the likes of marginal discomfort and walk away questioning your place among men. Is there an really an option?

    Thanks Rob! The time is near… Find a five-point harness and strap in, I’m about to hi-jack the spaceship.
