Friday, March 12, 2010

CARPE DIEM (2010 CF Games FL Sectionals)

Hours wane rapidly as dawn will bring the escape of burdensome anticipation. The body is steadily prepared as the mind latently issues the call to arms. Covert physical preparations interact with mental visualization forecasting impending demands. With morning’s light, months of corporeal labor must manifest in a synchronized climax of human performance. Pressure mounts, but realization of past sacrifices and preceding efforts decisively drive the final nails deep into the coffin of doubt. From the shadows of trepidation’s impious grave, rises a vindictive soul. An obstinate being bound to shackles by repressed memories of failure, enslaved to scour the earth in ruthless pursuit of redemption.


  1. Don't take this wrong. But go out there and kick some ass!

  2. Good Luck, Turbo!


  3. kick some ass turbo!!!!...ryan cfjax

  4. The forthcoming events may presage a war within. Sharpen your weapons and take impish delight in lacing up your boots.
    For those from the local pipe hitter's union competing tomorrow, i.e. cfjax, datona, and the rogue vermin who sink their teeth into our collective thirst for own blood, this is the end and the beginning. All of the training, nutrition, rest, compulsive thoughts, sleepless nights planning your attack, and cavorting with the devil will climax when faced with the opportunity to quit or endure. Your performance is already determined based on whether or not you've been doing your homework or cheating yourself. The only power left to wield is the degree in which you deploy unfettered dedication to overextending yourself in achieving your true mental and physical potential. Absolute failure cannot be controlled but precision execution and indomitable spirit can provide the strategic and heart pounding push needed to finish one step ahead of the poor and timid victims of self-preservation. Leave no tombstone unturned. Perform every rep, round, and wod at full throttle. Some of you may not finish or even come back alive. A gallant effort will be noted during your eulogy. Fight the good fight, live the hard life, and forge a worthy trail for others to continue. Look each other in the eye, touch gloves, and say your good-byes. See you on the other side.
