Thursday, February 25, 2010


ground to overhead 1RM

-10 min. rest-

5 min. rounds; one at each load

-5 min. rest-
-3 min. rest-

perform any of the following movements accumulating as many points as possible:

snatch = 10 pts.
thruster = 5 pts.
g2oh = 4 pts.
squat clean = 3 pts.
deadlift = 1 pts.

score is total points over 3 rounds


  1. As we accelerate the evolution of this endeavor we would’ve been remiss by foregoing the most archaic and ironically, technically challenging feat of strength, i.e. lifting a weight over head. While endeavoring to vivisect this leviathan of a lift it was no surprise that the true success of the evolution lie embedded in the mangled attempts manifested by failure. Nothing succeeds like failure. Reason holds that if I were to make the pilgrimage to Jax to succeed then I would’ve truly failed. Limitations define capabilities and failure guides remediation. If we aren’t failing enough then we aren’t trying hard enough. It is my undaunted mission to make the mistakes and thereby pave the path of least resistance for the rest of humanity to follow. This requires significant laboratory time, collaboration with the greatest minds, sleepless nights of contemplation, and making more mistakes than discoveries.
    Ostensibly ending with two failed attempts at 285 true failures ensued after 185 due to rearclubfootedness, a vestigial mental disconnect manifested by the psychosomatic phenomenon defined by the American Mental Association as failure to set the kickstand and stabilize the load but instead pointing the rear foot out to a 45 degree angle so that the hip opens like the Suez Canal inviting the weight to manifest its magnetic affinity to gravity sending its recipient tumbling about like a clumsy neophyte. With a movement based on execution strength is an insufficient substitute for form. It’s back to the drawing board. Consequently, after a fitness life of simulating the Bataan Death March and forging an otherwise indestructibly armored body yesterday’s mangled semblance of the C&J has taken a toll by exacting a barrage of foreign aches and pains. Meanwhile Turbo has made the jump to light speed by jettisoning bulldog strength for technical competency. PRs are there for the taking but not before emptying the cup of the stubborn residue that lives at the bottom.

  2. The second evolution is an illustration of manifest destiny by the union of two intracontinental superpowers. Aged like fine wine in a time machine a simple idea experienced laboratory style evolution bringing tomorrow’s fitness technology to you today. It’s an incontrovertible eventuality that by joining two subcritical pieces of weapons grade plutonium there is a potential to engender the most prolific scientific achievements saving society’s dull and boorish destiny from the doldrums of gravity-inspired satisfaction.
    Just as the game of Chess is divided into three phases – the opening, middle game, and the end game this evolution provided ample opportunity for a limited range of capabilities to be utilized, i.e. different men (movements), across different terrain (loads) for attacking and defeating the opponent. The snatch, if deployable, would have been the ultimate secret weapon but its litany of costs might outweigh the point benefits. The second tiered weapon, the thruster, is one I would keep in the war reserve and deploy when strategy dictates. The final round was ample opportunity to accumulate 10 thrusters, the most significant point accumulation. G2OH was the movement of choice providing a healthy balance between energy investment and point return. Squat cleans although next in points proved too costly. Five in a row at 205 was enough deterrence to retire the movement. Deadlifts were low in points and easier to deploy but after taking heavy physical and mental casualties they were annoyingly costly. A good chess strategy is to develop certain pieces before others. This same strategy may be helpful in maximizing points depending on capabilities. Strength, speed, and load determine the weapon of choice. It might be a good idea to avoid inferior movements for a slower and deliberate approach on higher scoring movements. Final point total was 211, 50 of which came from 10 thrusters at 185#. Avoid one of the most frequent mistakes made by beginner chess players by employing premature attacks. Launching an attack should be avoided until there is a sufficient force in the field to carry it to a successful conclusion, exacting victory, defeating your opponent, and seeing him driven before you, lest premature actions recoil on the head of the attacker.

  3. turbo. rx. 270#(PR)/176 pts.

    Identify and close capability gaps, enhance training, and exploit enemy vulnerabilities in order to mitigate and defeat asymmetric threats and help form a mentally agile and adaptive profile. Enable the ability to counter opposition strategy and strength by employing inherently embedded resources in conjunction with unconventional tactics.

    To prepare for the rigors of such a mission, the prudent course of action reevaluates maximum capacity in an effort to facilitate the judicious management of assigned assets. Previous introspective evaluations clearly detected a catastrophic breach in the hull of my split jerk: Inability to drop promptly under the bar. Indiscriminately throwing yourself under a load eclipsing body weight in excess of 100# violates the innate laws of self-preservation. Exercising corrective countermeasures requires the level of commitment commonly found in a convent. Determined to attain proficiency and marginalize capabilities sacrificed by inefficient execution, I uninstalled all safeguards and went to work. Progress halted at 270#, a new personal best, surpassing my pervious mark by 10#. With new performance potential documented, focus shifted to utilization.

    The ensuing conflict took place within a structured domain unfamiliar to those operating under standard protocol. Strategy and assimilation would rule this battlefield, as the resources of each belligerent differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. The underlying theme of this encounter slipped off to the far reaches of Narnia, as newfound confidence quickly eroded sound judgment. Resolute to perform at least one thruster in each round, I opened the engagement deploying a 225# overhead abortion, wasting valuable time and ammunition on a nugatory target. I recovered quickly and returned to my finesse game, employing ground to overhead lifts intermittently with cleans and deadlifts. Squat cleans turned out to be a villainous death trap, freezing my legs in a solid block of carbonite. My opponent guided his forces with grand design; willingness to escalate violence and suffer substantial casualties was rewarded with a lopsided victory.

    Three Two Four is industriously betrothed to continued development of cutting edge material. A dedicated worldwide leader in weapons development and foremost authority in advance tactics. As stated, our collaborative goal: World domination through progressive evolution of human performance. Test the potency of our weapons locker and perish at the hands of your own ignorance.
