Wednesday, February 17, 2010


pull ups x 40, rest 4 min
pull ups x 30, rest 3 min
pull ups x 20, rest 2 min
pull ups x 10, rest 1 min
push ups x 50, rest 4 min
push ups x 40, rest 3 min
push ups x 30, rest 2 min
push ups x 20, rest 1 min
sit ups x 60, rest 4 min
sit ups x 50, rest 3 min
sit ups x 40, rest 2 min
sit ups x 30, rest 1 min
squats x 70, rest 4 min
squats x 60, rest 3 min
squats x 50, rest 2 min
squats x 40, rest 1 min

1 comment:

  1. total time: 52:22
    translated: 40 min of rest: 12:22 min of work
    goal: no broken sets
    most difficult set: 30 push ups
    objective: quality
