Saturday, February 6, 2010


12 min amrap

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 box jumps

1 comment:

  1. 12 rnds
    This was the perfect prescription for the current political state deep within the tightly guarded borders of my muscles, a place where anarchy and strife seem to be the order. I alluded to a conversation regarding the utility of the 97#er and sought to extract the benefits from its complacent nature. It can be safely concluded that, despite its attraction, allure, and mesmerizing qualities, it is a recipe for back pain. I hereby declare a perpetual state of consternation and total rebuke. If you are considering going heavier on the k-bells think again or change your priorities so that they can be given the necessary attention to avoid inevitable pitfalls such as back injury. It never fails that every time I pick up that fat pig I hurt my back. If you were standing on a steet corner next to wiley coyote and the road runner who stood atop a neighboring building and suddenly dropped an anvil would you push wiley coyote aside, extend your arms, catching the anvil and swing it between your legs in order to absorb the weight plus the 9.81 mtr per second squared rate of gravity?
    I think kettle bells have experienced an unduly familiar relationship with crossfit and need to have their day in court. A good article was written years ago on the efficacy of kettle bells. The conclusion was drawn that kettle bells make you better at kettle bells. Bottom line: if you are struggling to populate your arsenal with only the most effective weapons put them on the bottom of your list.
