Wednesday, January 13, 2010

d-lift remediation:
1000 mtr row
rest 5min
150# shoulder press
rope climbs


  1. 3:05, damper setting: 8
    result: shattered will
    the marriage of man and machine
    man made natural disaster
    supine position
    painful blood shunt
    lingering soreness
    can't move
    can't stay still
    writhing in pain
    want to call it a day
    heart fell out of chest
    lifeless body must go on without me

  2. Why 8? At that distance and you're strength / build I bet you would have had a better time on a setting of 10. What's your PR on 1000?
    What setting do you row 500's for time at? I bet the recent dead lift work also played a significant role.

  3. 8 because of what you already alluded to, the deadlifts. It takes much longer than 48 hours to recuperate from 18 heavy reps. Otherwise, I always use the 10 setting on all distances. It depends on what you prefer, power or turnover. PR is 302. Sub 3 is going to take some training. I love/hate this machine.
