Thursday, December 17, 2009


The Vestiges of the Warrior Soul
In a world that requires virtually zero effort to maintain life it's truly a wonder that every now and again we meet someone who shares our vision, our energy, our passion, and our drive for self-improvement and world domination; vuala, this community. In a caveman-like world we would generally consider such a person a threat but in a world full of popcorn and chewed up bubblegum our competition has become our ally. In a world so replete with potential enemies it is imperative that strength beget strength; that alliance overcome the collusion of mediocrity; that insurrection by the poor and timid souls whose weak and petty voice carries a pathetic tune be crushed by the bellow of the strong. The parasitic weakness that surrounds us, that is shoved down our throat by industry, deafens our ears by media, and blinds our eyes; the pure disbelief of madness need no longer be entertained by our senses. The warriors we meet in the gym, on the street, in cyberspace, and whereever else their restless souls wonder should/must embrace, bond, solidify, and claim their own piece of the prize. This is the person with whom I want to work, share my personal time, entrust with my posessions, and invite into to my life. We should be able to trace our lineage to some victory; hence, our existence and our right to exploit it. We can, with confidence, purport to succeed at whatever we do regardless of how menial or magnificant the task. We aren't here to "get in shape." This is nothing more than a medium for expression, a manifestion of our energy, an objection to life's lounge chair, a declaration that we prefer a bed of nails than the entitlement to comfort, the robber of ambition, and the maker of the softest of today's man. The race for gain has cajoled the human soul. There is a disease of softness, lethargy, passive resignation, and utter refusal to move. Every burst of energy, contraction, and breathless elevation of the spirit is the loudest voice the modern world will every hear. In the mire of convenience and the servitude of the conveyer belt the most subversive act is to simply say no, to claim your birthright as a warrior, embrace the kindred soul, and blaze a path of pure fortitude in a direction no one else understands. If someone else like you exists then why not join forces? Why not create a fraternity? Why not create a congress? A brotherhood? A gang, a club, a mobilization of forces? An alliance? A clique, a mob if necessary? Why not take advantage of the synergism that exists between like minds? Our concept of fitness is the bridge that brings like-minded warrior souls together. The day escapes those who wait. The time to act, to succeed, to conquer, and subdue the elusive prize of self-actualization is now. Rest or rust?


  1. I couldn't agree more.
    I feel like the weak have found crossfit and polluted it as "the new best way to get in shape," but it's not about the shape or what you look like in the mirror, its about the mental and spiritual strength/discipline with good physical side effects. I work out alone these days because no one gets it. The CF gym
    I previously worked out at used to be a haven for the strong, but has fallen into enemy hands in the last few months.

    Anyways, thanks for letting me know I'm not alone out here and for posting some pretty good workouts for when I run low on ideas.

  2. I love this.... where did you get it?

    Pit Master
