Thursday, November 5, 2009


D-lift 85% x 5 x 5
rest five min
1o min amrap
155# power cleans x 3
hspu x 6
ttb (toes to bar) x 9


  1. Thanks to good affiliates like CROSSFIT BWI that make training while traveling so much easier. With the litany of affiliates it's always a challenge to find one that shares similar objectives and offers solid programming. I can't wait to come back.
    Thanks again!

  2. just realized that i read this wrong. i did muscle ups instead of hspu's. oh well, still an awesome workout though i failed in attention to detail. warmed up with 20 stadium sprints.
    end result: 4 rounds in 10 minutes


  3. wow i really screwed this up, i also did squat cleans instead of power cleans.....i am going to drink water and try and find a way to pull my head out of my @$$.


  4. I don't know how many times I've looked at a wod and, for some strange psychological reason, interpreted it as something so apparently different. I think you'll enjoy today's.
