Monday, August 3, 2009



  1. There is nothing that comes remotely close to matching the demands of this simple but deadly combination. No other wod provokes this kind of anxiety and pressure to perform. It takes more time and suffering to recuperate than to do the actually wod, blood screaming as it pools in the forearms, lungs full of plasma and other gu, the metallic taste in the mouth, painfully numb teeth, and a splitting headache. Nothing will drive the soul from the body quicker than fran. This is a wod in the red zone and I believe that if you don't reach absolute failure at some point then you aren't pushing hard enough. Doing this wod is analagous to putting your ability under a microscope and watching as you squeeze until it's foundation buckles. It's a pressure test looking for weaknesses and flaws in your game. It's test of mental fortitude as the invitation to quit or slow down is always standing. Whether your goal is sub 4,3, or 2 only you know where you went and whether or not you won or lost. Ultimately you are competing with yourself. What somebody else does shouldn't impact your self-apraisal. If it does then get help. Times are just times. The journey however long or short and the richness it brings to the legs upon which you stand, the strength and character harvested from the labor, and the enlightenment inspired by the suffering is something that transcends numbers.

  2. Heard about your site a few months back from cfjax. Keep it up. The programming is killer.
    Nice fran time, especially impressive considering your build and strength in the other lifts. Usually it's the smaller guys that I see doing sub 3:00. I'm still trying to break the 5:00 barrier but I've pushed hard enough to know that your description of that wod is dead on.

  3. Mike
    Your a gifted wordsmith. Dead on descript, FRAN makes you confront "horrible" eye to eye. Scary
    is an under statement. Lots of emotions run a muck with me prior to this wod. During the first rd I feel positive, in control. Then rd 2 things start to change fast, I feel as if I have been dealt a bad hand with no options but to keep going despite the sinking feeling of impending doom. Then the fog sets in for the last rd and I just want to get this over with. TIME. This workout tests me in more ways than one.

  4. Thanks Clint. Sharpen your tools by doing the other wods. Find that scary place and stay there as long as you can. If we want to not only survive but to excel we have to find solace in pain.
    Cav, "feeling of impending doom." Write that on the wall. If this isn't an apt descriptor then I don't know what is. If you don't feel then you don't know what you're missing.

  5. Ryan W. from CFJAX......CAV is so have a talent with words..i check your website out about everyday..and enjoy watching your wods...its very inspirational not only watching but reading your comments...

    what band is that Mike?

  6. Sorry to take so long getting back to you Ryan. Just noticed the comment. It's the one and only Henry Rollins. "on my way to the cage"

  7. Ryan W....Thx Mike...WOW!..Henry Rollins...I couldn't tell....I am a huge fan of his years with black flag....
