Thursday, August 20, 2009


155# hang clean and overhead
dbl unders
10/50, 8/40, 6/30, 4/20, 2/10
for time

1 comment:

  1. 7:54
    There is nothing like a good bad day to harden the sense of resolve. If we didn't have them life would be too easy. Resistance is what stimulates persistance and perseverance. It hardens us or puts in what we think is our place. Today was like trying to squeeze juice out of a rock. My trunk was still wrecked from the deadlifts and my engine was simply under powered for the the day's demands. This wod was actually plan C. The other two options would've skinned the armour from my flesh and exposed my naked and dilapidated soul. Although I don't think I'm "on top" I think it deserves mention. First, everyone thinks they are "on top" just as everyone thinks their worldview is the only view and the right one. Second, if you are "on top" then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough. Instead of beating everyone one with the prescribed standard you should put your ego on the shelf and raise your personal standard so that your pride is recycled at the appropriate time. Being "on top" is a relative notion. To me, it means you aren't training hard enough as competition is truly intrapersonal and not interpersonal. If we need to feel good about beating someone then we should be running around with clubs and furry loin clothes just as the cavemen did. Yea, victory is sweet bla bla bla but it lasts for a second. The clock never stops at that second. The paradox is that as soon as it happens it expires. Time is in relentless motion, persisting just as we should too. Life is perpetual motion. It would certainly be comfortable and nice to be able to freeze the climax but this is not the case. You aren't where you were or who you were; rather you are where you are going and who you are becoming. Losing is the best preparation for winning if you have the right sense of resolve.
