Friday, July 24, 2009


AMRAP : 5 minutes each station

135# thrusters x 5
muscle ups x 5
2 minute rest

135# power snatch x 5
ring dips x 5
2 minute rest

135# squat cleans x 5
HSPU x 5
2 minute rest

135# hang clean & overhead x 5
rope climbs x 5
2 minute rest

135# SDLHP x 5
burpees x 5

post total reps for score.


  1. name . bodyweight . total reps

    solista . 206 . 180

    turbo j . 160 . 180

    russ . 161 . 173

  2. Who drives ten hours to train? I do. If it wasn't worth it then I wouldn't do it. You won't find AC and glass windows at CFJAX. You won't find tissues to wipe your tears or babysitters to make sure your feelings don't get hurt. If you can get passed the spartan atmosphere you'll find yourself looking across a hot and lonely desert staring at your insides. If you don't learn something about yourself then it was all for naught. There is no way I could do what we did today on my own. I've said it before and I still maintain that sharing a work out, joining hands, and going somewhere you've never been is one of the highest degrees of human bonding. War is probably the only other replicator of this bond. More to come.

  3. Rob in Ger.

    Did this wod yesterday. After freaky friday, this was challenging to say the least. After visiting and experiencing cfjax in may, I cannot think of training any other way. Training any other way would be cheating myself.

  4. Sort of like Plato's parable of the cave. The light or knowledge is blinding at first and perhaps too much for some people to handle so they return to the cave. For a few others though, once you've tasted the truth anything else just makes you sick. I'm a train wreck today but there is only one medicine for it.
