Thursday, July 30, 2009


one mile pace run
800 mtrs x 2 @ sub race pace
400 mtrs x 2 @ sub 800 pace


  1. 6:00 even splits
    3:01 ?

    Can I blame it on the heat? The new shoes? The shitty workout I did two days ago? The uneven track? Stress from work? Misaligned planets? It's easy to attribute a subpar performance on the multitude of tiny little arrows shot our way. It's easy to believe our own versions of the truth. And it's easy to lay prostrate on the ground when your will has left your body in a cowardice state. Where do we find the energy to get up? Or to avoid going down altogether? When there is nothing else left where do we look? Where do we find the extra speed, strength, or focus needed to succeed in our endeavor? Where do we look when our minds seem so ready to deceive us with vestigial ideas of self preservation? If we want to conquer nature we have to start by conquering the little nuances that insidiously suck people into the vortex of mediocrity. Those tiny little arrows can pierce our will to not only thrive but reign supreme. Who is holding us back? We can blame someone else or we can look in the mirror and face the music. Don your armour and go to war or roll over and die.

  2. Heard about your blog from my brother, Josh G. formerly of CFJax. Just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Your are a gifted writer and your insights are inspiring. Not to mention you are a hell of an athlete. Keep up the great work. I will definitely be following along.

    Best of Luck, Caleb Whitfield
