Monday, May 25, 2009

wod #1
135# OH squats
DBL unders
15/30 3 rnds for time

135# push press
25# ball slams
5/10 3 rnds for time

body weight d-lift
GHD sit ups
15/15 3 rnds for time

97# russian K-bell swings
300 mtr run
3 rnds for time

5 min time limit on all wods
Rest 5 min between wods

1 comment:

  1. wod#1
    steph dnf
    solista dnf

    steph 1:48
    solista 1:23

    steph 3:29
    solista 3:14

    steph dnf (5:08)
    solista 3:48

    This was supposed to be an easy day on account of the lingering trevor soreness. The first wod provided a nasty forecast as we both experienced absolute failure on the oh squats. Power snatches would've been a better pick. OH squats were too slow and technical but good nonetheless as they succinctly pointed out an apparent weakness.
